
Bluestacks 3 version android
Bluestacks 3 version android

bluestacks 3 version android

You might want to create a backup of your registry to avoid any problems. Open the Registry Editor (type reg in the Search bar). If the problem is because of corrupted registry keys, you can remove them.Now try uninstalling BlueStacks like any other Windows app and see if the error goes away. In Command Prompt, type net stop msiserver to stop Windows Installer, and then type net start msiserver to restart the service. Type cmd in the Search bar to open Command Prompt and select Run as administrator in the right-hand menu. The Windows Installer service might be an issue, but you can restart it.It might be better to use this program to uninstall the service rather than do so through the settings menu to uninstall apps on Windows. BlueStacks has a dedicated Uninstaller program you’ll find in the installation folder.Follow the link to find and download the custom file. exe file that you can download and run to disable Hyper-V. BlueStacks also makes the process easy by providing a.Then type bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off. Type cmd in the search bar and select Run as administrator in the right-hand menu. A faster way to disable Hyper-V on your system is by using the Command Prompt.If you don’t want to take the chance, it’s best to opt for a BlueStacks version that supports Hyper-V. Remember that this feature helps prevent attacks from malicious code, so disable this feature at your own risk. Then go to Device security, click Core isolation details, and toggle off Memory integrity. Go to Settings > Privacy and security (left-hand menu) > Windows security and click Open Windows security.

bluestacks 3 version android

  • On some computers, you may also have to disable Memory Integrity.
  • Run BlueStacks to see if the error message goes away. On the list, uncheck Hyper-V, Windows Hypervisor Platform, Windows Sandbox, Virtual Machine Platform, and Windows Subsystem for Linux. Open the Control Panel, click on Programs, and select Turn Windows features on or off.
  • If you want to run a newer version of Android (Android 11 Beta), you will need to disable Hyper-V on your system.
  • Go to the BlueStacks download page and scroll down to “Download a specific version.” Select either Pie 64-bit or Nougat 64-bit-these versions of BlueStacks 5 support Hyper-V.
  • The first option is to use a different version of BlueStacks.

  • Bluestacks 3 version android