
Download Valentina Studio Pro 13.3.1
Download Valentina Studio Pro 13.3.1

  • Source Control – develop database using any VCS.
  • Schema Snapshot – save and load schema in structured format.
  • Schema Editor – expanding and collapsing the tree items with subitems using OPTION + click.
  • Schema Editor – copy one or few schema objects using drag&drop mechanism.
  • Schema Cache – save and reuse the schema cache.
  • Query Editor – enables the ability to copy the generated query.
  • Object Colors – enables marking objects with specific colors.
  • Keyboard Shortcuts – enables the ability to redefine the shortcuts and create own shortcut sets.
  • Error Lookup – search for error description by its code.
  • Dump Wizard – enables filter for tables to select them for a dump.
  • generation of SQL scripts for new/changed database objects.
  • Diagram Editor – enables forward engineering – i.e.
  • Data Transfer – copy data between different databases.
  • Data Editor Multiple Update – update few records at once.
  • Data Editor Layouts – save columns and their order as a named layout.
  • Data Editor – enables go to parent record function.
  • Forms can use all supported databases as the datasource.
  • Form Editor – visual editor of Valentina Forms that can be saved into Valentina Project file (.vsp).
  • Reports can use as datasource MS SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Valentina DB, ODBC.

    download Valentina Studio Pro 13.3.1

  • Report Editor – visual editor of Valentina Reports that can be saved into Valentina Project file (.vsp).
  • MAS version of Valentina Studio uses iCloud to share bookmarks between your devices! You also get different DB related utilities, including: Import/Export, Dumps, Diagnose, Clone, Reindex, … Open as many editors as you like at the same time for different databases/servers opened in tab-panels.
  • Server Admin – where you can manage users, learn logs and other parameters of servers.
  • Query Editor – build SQL queries visually using just a few mouse clicks.
  • SQL Editor – with color syntax, auto-completion, recent and saved favorite queries, templates, console with error/warning reporting, ….
  • Related Data Editor – easily learn and manage linked records of two tables, link/unlink records by a mouse click, do set operations over linked records, ….
  • Data Editor – easily browse table records in the grid, modify records, an inline edit of values, sort, filter records and save favorite filters, preview images, hex editors for binary values, ….
  • Diagram Editor – design new diagrams or do reverse engineering, e.i explore existing databases visually.
  • Schema Editor (tree view and column view) – create and modify all schema objects of supported databases: Tables, Views, Fields, Enums, Links, Constraints, Triggers, Indexes, Stored Procedures, ….
  • Valentina Studio brings you powerful, visual editors for your data including:

    Download Valentina Studio Pro 13.3.1